By 2020, both the Y and Z generations are expected to make up over half of the global workforce. While some still find it hard to believe, and the internet is flash flooded with fun making memes on millennials, we are preparing for the future by calling students to join the Danske IT team. Here you can feel the pulse of the Scandinavian spirit, discover and polish your talents and become a future professional or as we like to call it – a Future Pros.
How does one become a future professional? Once students make peace with the idea that learning new stuff can often be hard - but the fruits of their efforts tend to be sweet - they become fully-fledged members of the Future Pros program. The program gives a flexible balance between studies and work in the bank, where problem solving, lessons learned and traits mastered are not only rewarded with valuable experience, but salary too.
Having said that, the road to becoming a Pro isn’t as easy as it might seem at first glance. Managing both studies and work is a form of juggling simultaneously three balls, namely: your career, your education and your personal life. However, if one wants to become a truly good IT specialist, your will be expected to overcome challenges. Here at Danske we love challenges, but not as much as we love the brave young generation, eager to tackle them.
We understand that this could be seen as scary at first. After all, juggling might be a skill set you are not familiar with, but we aspire to help in achieving the perfect balance. While a young colleague is preparing for an exam, we create an opportunity for him or her to test his/her knowledge in a practical environment; and if at any point their vigorous drive starts to fade, more experienced colleagues will ensure to encourage and cheer their inner fire once more.
If you’re still not sure why you should start your professional career in Danske, these are six reasons that will help you make your mind up:
- One step ahead. Where the benefits of juggling come up top. The experience gathered during studies will not only guarantee a head start on becoming a professional, but once you will graduate it’s an opportunity for an exciting job opening.
- A flexible work schedule. In order for the study-work-live balance to exist in more than urban legends, your work schedule will be tailor-made.
- Professors at university and mentors at Danske. The university will teach you the theory and we will take care of the practice. More experienced colleagues are keen to pass on their know-how and unique IT hacks and intricacies.
- See an international corporation from the inside. You will become hip to what happens behind the façade. Danske is active in 16 countries and serves over 3.4 million customers - we don’t like to brag, we just know a thing or two.
- Not just colleagues, but friends too. Did you know that friendship in the workplace can increase involvement by up to 63%? We do - and we assign a buddy to each and every student joining the program. This companion will become your very own lighthouse in the wide sea of IT.
- A start-up soul at the core of the bank. Although we are a proud and well experienced corporation, the Danske tribe lives and breathes by the beat and rhythm of start-ups like innovations. Right here an idea born in the mind of a student can shape up to an actual product over a matter of a few months. It happened before - new projects and ideas are the driving force of our organization.
While some wait for chances to knock on their door after they finish their studies, Future Pros create their own opportunities. Are you ready for a challenge and a new beginning?