I believe that many of my colleagues would say that if you love your job, you never work. Perhaps even further, that if you love what you do, you’ll find the time, energy and knowledge to create benefits not only for your organization but for society as well.
Of course, some people will argue that we all understand ‘value and benefit’ differently. But this sense of meaning and belonging should be familiar to everyone. I’m overjoyed to feel this at work and at Rotaract Club, where knowledge and experience are magically intertwined.
At Danske Bank, I work for the Client Performance Management (CPM) team. CPM is a performance management system for Danske Bank's largest corporate and institutional clients. I am also responsible for managing the Reporting Repository project, which aims to create an interactive reporting database accessible to everyone in the bank.
At first glance, the word "reports" may be a source of boredom for most, but in fact these are both extremely important and interesting documents. Reports help business executives plan and make strategic decisions. They use data to make their own considered, high-level decisions. Reports can cover a wide range of topics, but usually focus on conveying information with a clear purpose to a specific audience. Most reports are created using Tableau's interactive tool, which makes reading reports more convenient, engaging, and easy to understand.
Solving problems
Let’s go back to meaning and belonging. In my mind, if you have a goal or intent to solve a problem, and your solution will benefit others – that activity is meaningful.
We sometimes joke between colleagues that everyone at the bank has some sort of relationship with reports. If you don't create them yourself, you at the very least receive them from time to time. So, we set ourselves the goal of improving this process. It was in this way that we came up with the concept of a reporting database: the Reporting Repository. It is a centralized self-service system that is easy to navigate and helps you find all the reports you need. It is also includes a historical archive. Creating this system allowed us to alleviate some of the load on our colleagues and their mailboxes.
Working in the analytics team, projects like the Reporting Repository won’t only allow you to develop your skills in the analytics field, but will also give you project management experience. These skills, by the way, are very useful in Rotaract. We also solve problems there – just slightly different ones.
The purpose of this non-political organization is to promote leadership and professionalism, responsible citizenship and high ethical standards in business. We currently have three projects at the club. First, there’s the Rotary Academy: a mentoring program for young people living in Lithuania. Then, Duck Race: we help talented kids who lack opportunities develop their skills. Hundreds of rubber ducks race in the river Vilnele each June to bear witness to each of our strengths! The purpose of this charitable family event is to raise donations for gifted children who have no financial means to develop and pursue their dreams.
And here's the ‘100 Smiles More’ project for one of the most vulnerable social groups: the single, poor elderly in Vilnius. In addition to the gifts and goodies on the festive table, we cheer them up every Christmas and spend the evening together.
The magic of knowledge and experience
Vilnius Rotaract Club is a playground. When you work with your best friends, fantastical tales become a reality and ideas turn into actions. Working alongside with motivated and talented colleagues at Danske Bank we change the way everyone thinks about reporting and turn reports into visual interactive stories. Besides that in our work, we learn not only project management but also communication and time management. Our work also requires UX / UI knowledge and the ability to see the Big Picture.
Club training of experts in various fields and creative workshops allow you to grow as a professional and apply your knowledge in the workplace. In the office, we work on an agile basis, developing our knowledge in areas that help create greater value. This is how the Big Picture comes together, and that gets you out of bed even faster than a morning coffee.